LSP – Care and Share Campaign – Chapter 2

Long Son Commune, May 29, 2024, LSP, led by Mr. Preecha Jarucharoenrung – Operation Department Manager – Tank Terminal and Pipeline, coordinated with LSPC, led by Mr. Dinh Thanh Tan – Vice chairman, to continue conducting the “Care and Share” chapter 2 program.

There were 55 participants from Hamlet 2 and Hamlet 3 joined the event this time. The sharing focused on LSP’s cutting-edge technologies for safety and environmental protection. The event concluded with a site tour, allowing participants to observe these advanced technologies.

“Care and Share” was launched in 2021 to enhance the relationship and create mutual understanding between LSP and surrounding communities. To date, 23 sessions have been held which attracted a total of 902 participants. In 2024, LSP and LSPC are going to host another 7 sessions.